Digital Privacy
In today’s digital age, threats in cyberspace are more prevalent than ever. Our cyber team works tirelessly to protect corporate teams’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by removing it from the internet. In addition to PII removal, we provide credit monitoring, device protection, network encryption, credential management, identity theft protection, and other personalized services to meet your corporate needs.
Keeping you safe in a data-driven world
We Manage Your Digital Footprint
Cyber Crisis Tabletop
Ransomware Preparedness
Cyber Audit
What information about your company is easily accessible?
Know Your Cyber Risk Exposure
Do you have concerns about your company’s risk exposure? Concentric’s cyber audit assesses your current risk exposure when it comes to both your privacy and security. The audit is designed to prevent compromise by helping you increase your security posture where it currently falls short.
In this audit, Concentric focuses on assessing 5 areas of risk:
Device Security
Network Security
ID Theft Prevention
Recommendations on how to properly secure your identity from being compromised.
Online Account Security
Security & Privacy Policies
Cyber Training
Do your employees know safe cyber security practices?
Learn What to Look For
How to Secure Your Devices
How to Secure Your Network
How to Secure Online Accounts& Services
Security is our number one priority and is in our minds in everything we do, how we maintain our internal systems, and how we run our internal operations.
Corporate Security
Our experts provide proactive and holistic support that have safeguarded some of the most influential executives on all seven continents.
Dedicated intelligence analysts offer real-time alerts and detailed assessments of global events that impact people, places, and assets.
Full-time dedicated professionals for corporations needing specific innovations and
ongoing support.
We perform enterprise-level security assessments, provide top-tier talent, and regular training to security and non-security personnel.